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Net Zero for Net Zero Campaign

Writer's picture: brainfartpolicybrainfartpolicy

By Setting the Government Climate Change Budget at £0.00 we can:

· Save Hard-pressed British households Billions,

· Bring out the Best in British Creativity and Boffinry,

· Defeat greedy and wasteful special interest groups, the Blob and mega-corporations,

· Stop becoming dependent on totalitarian China,

· Make life better for everyone, while STILL reducing climate change and saving the Planet!

If you agree with this campaign, please copy and paste the below text, pdf or hyperlink, and email it to:

· The Chancellor of the Exchequer:

· Defra (i.e. Ministers in Charge of the Environment):

· The House of Lords Climate Change Committee:

With the cost of living crisis in full swing and Rishi Sunak heading off to COP27, it is time to rethink the eye-watering costs of Net Zero. While government has persistently refused to put an accurate figure on it, best estimates are around £300,000 per household: a sum that if spent, would leave most of the country in poverty.

But the truth is, we can get a lot closer to Net Zero for absolutely nothing.

There are in fact thousands of Net Zero solutions that the government could do now and are costless. In fact some even make money!

By setting a climate budget of Zero, we can force the government to embrace these instead of the current slate of unaffordable and damaging policies that were devised by self-serving special interest groups.

The Trouble with Climate Change Policy is the Trouble with Government

Why is it that when government has a problem they always arrive at the most expensive, damaging and impractical solution? It’s because of who they ask.

Anyone who went to COP26 could not fail to notice that while voters were locked up in their homes (thanks to Covid), the conference was awash with expensive stands and highly paid executives of large corporations, NGOs and government ministries.

When the government has a problem, it always asks those who stand to benefit from the problem.

With climate change, that means NGOs, government departments, academics and big corporations. All these groups are looking for ever more money and resources. To the tune of trillions, they are incentivised to make every problem as big as possible and to never solve it.

When the government began asking them about climate change, the inevitable response was a trillion-dollar bill for electric vehicles made by fraudsters, heat pumps that do not work, and piles of extra bureaucracy for audit firms and civil service jobsworths.

This is not new – it is what always happens. Government spends more and more on mental health, yet the problem just gets bigger. Similarly it has spent a decade throwing more and more at the housing crisis; yet the shortage has just grown and prices have got even less affordable.

If something makes a problem worse, you should stop doing it. What is happening here is that special interest groups have turned every problem into an addiction. Like drug dealers, we have to pay them more and more for something that delivers a smaller and smaller ‘hit.’ Soon there will be nothing left.

Worst of all, most of the climate change technologies we are throwing trillions at are ineffective. The best are uneconomical. The rest are unproven or just do not work at all. Almost all of them leave us dependent on Chinese supply chains, and every single one will be obsolete in a decade’s time.

There is a Better Way: Net Zero for Net Zero

It’s time to take back control from these insidious agendas and put voters in charge.

That means setting the UK’s climate budget at exactly £0.00 for the next decade.

Until 2033, let’s just pursue the thousands of costless solutions to climate change that are right in front of our eyes.

And for COP27 to COP37, we should do the same. Britain should use the annual jamboree to source and share the best free solutions to climate change.

It’s Crowd-Sourcing Time!

The tech industry has been crowd-sourcing successfully for decades. It works because humans innately love problem-solving and helping each other.

Instead of being hi-jacked by rip-off vested interests, it’s time we the public got involved with our own answers. Crowd-sourcing means reaching out to voters: that’s real people who actually live in our society and care about it.

Britain is a nation of creatives and boffins. There are millions of inspired climate innovations out there just waiting for a home. We can even set up awards, similar to Prince William’s Earthshot Prize. The only stipulation: ideas must cost the public zero or actually make money.

Set this up, and ingenious solutions will roll in.

For example:

· Simply abolishing Daylight Saving Time would spare us all the hassle of changing the clocks and save a surprisingly large amount of energy.

· Adopt Oliver Dowden MP’s proposal to force developers to build traditionally beautiful buildings. Traditional buildings last several times longer than modernist monstrosities and use materials with a lower carbon footprint. This is the ultimate recycling industry. Well constructed and attractive buildings are the world we want to live and work in. They reduce antisocial behaviour and are good for mental health. They even help with levelling up. Because construction is the most polluting industry in the world, this single measure could reduce emissions by four times more than grounding the entire aviation industry!

· A cloud-based system of extra long warranties on consumer goods would slash environmental degradation and landfill, as well as reducing packaging and transport needs. It would improve consumer safety, reduce our dependence on China and create jobs for high-skilled STEM workers.

· Replace ugly road bollards and railings with ‘green street furniture’ made of carefully selected trees and plants. This reduces flooding and erosion, mops up pollution, and makes our roads more attractive.

· Sell off non-essential public sector parking spaces to reduce pollution and congestion, boost demand for sustainable transport, improve public health, raise billions for local and national government and create space for half a million new homes.

· Legislate for environmental (or any) Protesters acting unlawfully to lose their driving licences and have 20% of their lifetime income and benefits tithed to environmental charities. That would ensure their protests were not in vain, and provide an incentive for the woke police to actually prosecute them.

· Publicly ask the celebrities, businesses and media organisations who have been most vociferous about Climate Change, to tithe 20% of their lifetime income or profits to a national climate fund. Those that do not should be named, shamed and kicked off government work.

· Allow listed buildings to install conservation-grade double-glazing. It looks just as good, and from anything more than two feet away, it looks just the same.

· Stop councils using chopped down Christmas trees. The typical cost of a council erecting and disposing of a large tree for the fortnight around Christmas is £2500. For a fraction of the cost they could just dig a hole and plant a permanent tree in the same place. As well as soaking up pollution, conifers live a long time, require negligible maintenance and come in any shape or size a council might require.

There are literally thousands more costless environmental hacks that could save us billions. And yet, while the government is trying to foist 20 grand heat pumps on us that that do not even work, it has not pursued any of them!

It is time those in charge listened to the people they represent and not the blob.

Then What?

In a decade’s time, we will better understand the mechanics of Climate Change and whether it is still persisting. New solutions will have emerged, and today’s technologies will be far cheaper and much improved. In the meantime, Net Zero for Net Zero will have engaged and excited the goodwill of British voters instead of bankrupting us (...or just freezing us to death).

By the time we get to COP38, Net Zero may well cost Next to Nothing.

If you agree with this campaign, please copy and paste the text, pdf or hyperlink, and email it to:

· The Chancellor of the Exchequer:

· Defra (i.e. Ministers in Charge of the Environment):

· The House of Lords Climate Change Committee:

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